Simple Instructions To Setup Rockspace AC1200 WiFi Range Extender

Rockspace AC1200 WiFi Range Extender Setup will increase the router’s WiFi signal strength and eliminate the dead spots in your house or office. Rockspace AC1200 dual-band WiFi range extender receives the information on one band and then transmits the signal on another band which results in a stronger and consistent signal throughout the home. After completing the Rockspace AC1200 WiFi range extender, you can connect your Tablet, Desktop, Smartphone, Laptop, and other WiFi-enabled devices to the extended network. You can set up your Rockspace AC1200 WiFi range extender either through the WPS button method or through the web interface method.

Simple steps to set up Rockspace AC1200 WiFi range extender through web interface method:
Following are the simple instructions to set up the Rockspace AC1200 WiFi range extender through the web interface method:
Step 1: To begin with, connect your Rockspace AC1200 WiFi range extender to a power outlet near the main router.
Step 2: Then, connect your device to the rocksapce_ext network.
Step 3: After that, launch an internet browser like Google Chrome or Firefox on your system and enter either web address re.rockspace.local or IP address in the address bar and then press the enter key.
Step 4: Thereafter, enter the login details in the given field and then click on the login button.
Step 5: Now, select the WiFi network that you are willing to connect to and then enter the password for your WiFi network.
Step 6: After that, wait for a few seconds until the WiFi network is successfully extended. After that, the extended network will display on your web page.
Step 7: Now, relocate your Rockspace AC1200 WiFi range extender halfway between the WiFi router and the WiFi signal dead zone to improve the signal strength.
Step 8: A blue LED light on the Rockspace AC1200 WiFi range extender indicates adequate WiFi coverage.
Step 9: You can connect your WiFi-enabled devices to the Rockspace WiFi extender at this point.
Step 10: Finally, turn on your Rockspace AC1200 WiFi range extender and start browsing.

Simple steps to set up Rockspace AC1200 WiFi range extender through WPS method:
WPS method is the alternative method to set up the Rockspace AC1200 WiFi range extender. Following are the steps to set up the Rockspace AC1200 WiFi range extender through the WPS method:
Step 1: First and foremost, connect your Rockspace AC1200 WiFi range extender near the home router.
Step 2: Now, locate and press the WPS button on your WiFi router for a few seconds.
Step 3: Then, press the WPS button on the Rockspace AC1200 WiFi range extender and wait for a bright blue light on the extender.
Step 4: Once you see a blue LED light on the extender, you can relocate your Rockspace AC1200 WiFi range extender halfway between the WiFi router and the WiFi signal dead-zone.
Step 5: Now, you can connect your device to the Rockspace AC1200 WiFi range extender and start browsing.

Hopefully, the above-mentioned steps will help you to set up the Rockspace AC1200 WiFi range extender. Follow these simple steps and complete the Rockspace AC1200 WiFi Range Extender Setup like a pro.


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