Guide on How to Set Up Rockspace Wifi Extender

Re.rockspace local Wi-Fi range extender will help you receive smooth connectivity across your home when you don't have enough connections. The rockspace wifi extender setup connects to your network as an extender or as an access point mode and distributes wifi connections to your dead zones if your router is unable to transfer enough signals to a specific place.

The rock space Wi-Fi range extender's default configuration page is http:/ /re.rockspace.local. Your Rockspace extension can be set up using either a phone or a computer. If you have a problem with the setup on your phone, however, it is always recommended that you use the computer to finish the procedure.

Before you start setting up your local Re.rockspace WiFi Range Extender, there are a few things to think about
  • Connect your extender to a power outlet that is close to your router.
  • Make sure your extension has one solid blue light lit up before you begin setting it up.
  • If there are more than one blue light on the extender, it should be reset to its factory default settings.
  • Keep a checklist of the right SSID and information security during the setup procedure to avoid any mistakes.
To set up a Rock Space Wi-Fi range extender, go to http re.rockspace.local and follow the instructions
  • Switch on your smartphone or iPad to connect to the internet.
  •  In any web browser, type re.rockspace.local or (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Safari, etc.).
  • Choose setup once you've arrived at the website.
  • After selecting Setup to connect to re.rockspace.local, create a full login.
  • Now you have the option of using your Wi-Fi Range Extender in a variety of ways. From the drop-down menu, select WIFI range extender or Access Point.
  • Choose your wireless network from the list of accessible WIFI networks.
  • After you've entered your information security key, click next.
  • Your extender will reboot once, and a notification will appear verifying that the network has been upgraded successfully.
Now, if you are looking to install rock space extender setup, then this blog will help you. However, if you still facing issues or don’t know how to set up rockspace wifi extender, then you can also contact our team members.


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