Know More About Rockspace Extender Setup

Are you struggling with the weak wireless network connectivity in your home or office? Looking for ways to boost the network connectivity and range of the wireless signals? Well, if the answer to all the above questions is YES, then don’t fret! You have reached the right place. We are here to help you. With Rockspace extender setup, you can easily extend the network coverage and boost the network connectivity even in the dead zones. If you don’t know the steps for the Rockspace extender setup then scroll down and check out the steps for the extender setup. Let’s get started. 

Quick Instructions for Rockspace Extender Setup
Look at the below instructions step-by-step for the Rockspace WiFi range extender setup. You have to follow all the instructions carefully without skipping any step.
Step 1: Firstly, find a suitable place which is halfway between the Rockspace WiFi extender and the place where you face the internet connectivity problem.
Step 2: After that, connect the antennas on appropriate slots of Rockspace WiFi extender.
Step 3: Thereafter, establish a secure connection between the Rockspace extender and your computer. 
Step 4: Launch any web browser from your computer or laptop.
Step 5: Type re.rockspace.local in the address bar of the web browser. You can also use the default IP address into the address bar to open the Rockspace extender setup page.
Step 6: Now, you will see that a web menu dashboard screen displays on the screen where you can see the current status of the Rockspace WiFi extender.
Step 7: In the next step, scan and search for all the available networks that you want to extend. Choose the wireless WiFi network that you want to extend. Click on the next button to proceed further. 
Step 8: Enter the username and password for the wireless network correctly that you want to extend. Click on the next button to proceed further.
Step 9: Configure the Rockspace WiFi extender network settings when the system prompts for it. Also, enter the new SSID and password. 
Step 10: Now, your Rockspace WiFi extender will start rebooting. Now, you can connect your computing device with the new network. 

Troubleshoot Rockspace Range Extender Unable to Configure
Go through the below guidelines to troubleshoot the Rockspace WiFi range extender unable to configure issue:
Step 1: Firstly, reset your modem by using the reset button on your Rockspace WiFi range extender.
Step 2: After that, restart the Rockspace extender by unplugging the device from the electrical outlet. Plug-it back to the same electrical socket
Step 3: Use the static IP address to set up the Rockspace WiFi range extender. After that, you will obtain the ISP for the IP settings. 
Step 4: Use the wireless connection to get the login page of the Rockspace WiFi range extender. 
Step 5: Next, configure the wireless settings of your extender. In case, you are using a PPPoE connection then obtain the username and password.
Step 6: Now, clone the Mac address. For this, access the settings to obtain the IP address for the Rockspace WiFi range extender setup.
Step 7: Tap on the WAN network and then select the “Automatic/ Dynamic option from the menu.
Step 8: At last, click on the DNS settings and clone the Mac address of your computer or laptop device. 

That’s all! Hopefully, by following the above-mentioned instructions, you can easily complete the Rockspace Extender Setup and resolve the issues easily during the setup of your extender device.


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