Easy And Quick Steps To Setup Rockspace AC750 Extender

Are you using Rockspace WiFi range extender and want to know How to Setup Rockspace AC750 Extender? If your answer is yes, then you are on the right blog post. In this blog, we are going to discuss the easy and quick steps to set up the Rockspace AC750 extender by using the WPS method and by using the web interface method. If you are willing to know the steps to set up the Rockspace AC750 extender, then read the blog till the end and follow the step-by-step instructions to set up the Rockspace AC750 extender. Let’s get started with the process.

Steps associated with the Rockspace extender setup
Either you can set up the extender using the WPS button or you can set up the extender with a web interface. Here, we are going to discuss both methods one by one.

Method 1: Rockspace extender setup by using WPS button
The easiest and fastest way to set up the Rockspace AC750 extender is the WPS button method. Login credentials are not required for this method. You just need to plug in the extender and press the WPS button. Following are the steps to set up the Rockspace AC750 extender via the WPS method:
  • First of all, you need to plug the extender into the wall socket and then turn it on.
  • Now, you need to locate the WPS button on your extender as well as on the home router.
  • Next, you need to press and hold the WPS button on the home router for about 5 seconds.
  • After that, press the WPS button on the extender within two minutes after pressing the WPS button on the router.
  • Then, wait for the solid blue light on your Rockspace extender.
That’s all about the Rockspace extender setup by using the WPS button.

Method 2: Rockspace extender setup by using the web interface
In this setup method, you need to connect your Rockspace AC750 extender to the laptop, computer, or mobile via an ethernet cable or you need to enter the password. Following are the steps to set up the extender by using the web interface method:
  • First of all, you need to place the Rockspace extender and router in the same room and plug it into the wall socket.
  • Now, connect your laptop or computer to the extender through an ethernet cable or connect your mobile directly to the WiFi network.
  • You need to scan for the available network to connect your mobile to the WiFi. After some time you will see the default SSID network “rockspace_ext.” You need to click on it to associate your default SSID. Then let your mobile or laptop connect with the Rockpace extender.
  • After establishing the connection, open the web browser and type http://re.rockspace.local and press enter key.
  • Then, a login page will appear on your laptop screen. You need to create a new account for your extender setup.
  • Next, create a strong password and press the next button to complete the password setup.
  • Thereafter, you need to select your WiFi network that you want to extend from the list and then enter the password to connect.
  • In this step, you can change your WiFi password for your extended network or you can use the same WiFi password as the existing WiFi password.
  • After that, you will get your SSID named “Rockspace_5GEXT”
This is the complete blog about How To Setup Rockspace AC750 Extender? Hopefully, by following the above-mentioned steps you can easily set up the Rockspace AC750 extender. If you are facing any issue even after following the above steps then please feel free to contact our technical experts.


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